如何写好turnitin的解释类论文作业(Explanation Essay )

提交到turnitin查重系统中有很大部分是essay。本站整理了一些如何写essay的系列文章。这篇文章主要是讲解如何写好解释类的论文(Explanation Essay)。


例:Write an essay explaining why 汪峰总是上不了头条.


1. Introduction 部分要清晰表明文章研究的问题,要客观的陈述。并且说明性和解释类的文章不应该采纳某一方的立场,这也就是上面说的“要全面客观”。

2. 在文章的主体部分,每个支撑段落应该包括一个整体思路和详细的论证细节,因此你必须有足够的文献,例证等资源的储备。

3. 创新性也是文章内容要注意的一点,要知道老师的眼睛是很挑剔的,你可以尝试着去寻找一些鲜为人知的或特别有趣的论据来帮助支持你的论点。

4. 文章的结论必须是有效的,合乎逻辑的。结论因该要将文章的脉络梳理清楚,像一条主线来分析和呈现论文里面的主要信息。


An explanation, or expository, essay is a paper in which your objective as a writer is to explain something to your reader. A key to writing successfully is maintaining awareness of the audience, which will influence your tone and word choice. Expository writing is done for a variety of audiences and purposes, from grade school to advanced technical writing, so a comprehensive understanding of the process is important for success.

Start with Research

When writing your essay, it is important to have facts and support for your assertions. Although you may be well-versed in the topic on which you are writing, research gives you additional credibility because you can cite multiple authorities. Spend time finding your information, organizing your notes and determining the reliability of the sources you are examining.

Develop a Thesis

Now that you have researched your topic, you need to determine the angle from which you want to approach it. Remember that your goal is to explain the topic to your reader. For example, if your topic is digital technology, you might write a paper that explains ways that digital technology can be used in the classroom. Your thesis statement can be: “Digital technology enhances the learning experience by engaging students, reaching multiple learning styles and connecting students across the globe.” The remainder of the essay will focus on explaining how digital technology serves those three purposes.

Organize Your Writing

Writing an outline is a good way to keep your ideas organized. Even if you choose not to follow a formal outline structure, you should use some pre-writing strategy to ensure that your ideas are logical and well-organized. Clustering, looping, free writing and brainstorming are all good pre-writing strategies. If you follow your organizational plan, the drafting of your essay will be a seamless process.

Draft and Proofread

Now that you have your research and your plan, begin drafting your essay. When you are writing, be sure that you stick to the facts and avoid adding your own bias or opinions. Be sure to cite the sources of your references. Finally, proofread and spell check for clarity. There are many Web-based spelling and grammar checkers available to supplement your proofreading efforts.

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发布日期:2020年03月25日  所属分类:SCI论文写作